The latest crop progress data for corn and beans. In the main Corn Belt 16% of the crop has tasseled compared to the 5 year average of 35%. Obviously early season cold temperatures and late planting are still affecting overall development. The most glaring data are from Iowa and Minnesota where only 1% of the crop is tasseling where they should be around 29% and 24% respectively. This has affected markets a little. While there is expected to be ample corn available based on USDA planting reports, the late development of the crop always presents a little concern for a couple reasons.
1) Delayed tasseling pushes the critical reproductive period of corn later in the summer when higher average temperatures and lesser chances for precipitation increase the chance for stress. With some corn planted in very wet conditions there is even greater concern this year with limited root growth.
2) Later development pushes chances for an early freeze to damage crops. This is far enough out that we cannot talk about it specifically as to when a freeze might occur. But the delay in development will certainly push maturity closer to the freeze date.
New climate outlooks will be posted later this week looking at the rest of the growing season.