For topic-specific resources, visit topic-specific pages on this website. For example, to download resources, such as fact sheets, or view instructional videos about cover crops, visit the "Cover Crops" page, listed under "In-field Management" on the left sidebar. Another option is to browse through our videos and publications, such as fact sheets and posters, or visit our blog for the most current discussions on agriculture and climate issues in the Corn-Belt.
Nitrogen Rate Calculator... Calculate economic return to N application with different nitrogen and corn prices. Provided in association with six Midwestern universities. Go to Nitrogen Rate Calculator. |
Decision Support Tools... These web-based tools assist producers in making decisions about planting times, the feasibility and profitability of using post-planting nitrogen application for corn production, and more. Go to Decision Dashboard. |
Midwest Cover Crop Decision Tools ... These web-based tools assist farmers in selecting the right cover crops for their operations. Go to tool introduction page. |
Climate Change and Agriculture in the United States: Effects and Adaptation ... This USDA report provides a framework for understanding the implications of climate change, in order to meet our future demands for food, feed, fiber and fuel. Read all or sections of the report. |
Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy... Provides an overview of the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy and a table of practices with the largest potential impact on nitrate-N concentration reduction. |
REACCH - Regional Approaches to Climate Change in Pacific Northwest Agriculture
PINEMAP - Pine Integrated Network: Education, Mitigation, and Adaptation project
Developing Extension Capacity to Address Issues Related to Animal Agriculture and Climate Change